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July 24, 2014


debbie standard

Great idea! What a wonderful gift box!


Absolutely adorable!


The headbands and your baby girl are adorable! :)


These are so cute! I especially love the glitter ones! :)


She is so adorable! Thank you for the inspiration!


Oh what a sweet baby girl! Adorable! and adorable bows too :)


super cute project and baby!!

Katy Donaldson Taylor

I couldn't even pay attention to the bows because your model is so ADORABLE!!!!


Hi! i was wondering which brand for bow dies did you use for this tutorial?

Tamsin Watson

Really lovely collections of baby headbands. I love all the handmade headbands of yours. It’s an easy gift item for baby showers. As I am a busy woman so I have not enough time to make a headband for my kids so most of the time ordered clothes and headbands for them from online stores like MaMaLoNi. In future I will try to get some baby stuff for my kids from your store.

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