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April 07, 2014


Laura Turcotte

This is beautiful!


Wow, this is absolutely gorgeous! And those photos are adorable!

Tanya W

A totally gorgeous mini album - you must do more of these :)


Wow, love this mini album! Gorgeous pictures and I love the "girly" look with all the gold and pink! :)


super gorgeous...wow.

Jessica Gebhardt

Your work is wonderful but those pictures have to be what make the book! What a great album. I loved seeing you use the more feminine pieces for a book about your little boy. I have a boy too and never know how to adapt those styles into my work.

Sophia Allison

Simply gorgeous , love all the details, my special friend...♥

Monique Liedtke

Just gorgeous Steph, as always!!!! and your little one is such a cutie! <3

Anita B

Beautiful mini book.. Love it

Mary-Ann Maldonado

Stephanie this is awesome! Great job and uber cute kid:o)

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