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February 24, 2014



What a cute layout!!

Laura Turcotte

Awesome layout!

Linda E

Great layout! I love this new collection!

Cynthia B.

Fun layout! Love the patterns showing through in the circles. Sounds like a fun week on the blog!

Beatrice Lawson

Beautiful mix of patterns! Love the graphic details:-)


So cute, Ginny! I hope I can get my hands on this collection :)

Jessica T

I'm always on the lookout for great boy pages. I don't have any girls, so although I love looking at feminine pages (and papers etc) they aren't that useful to me. Can't wait for the rest of the week! Thanks for sharing this fun boy page!

Amy Coose

This is fabulous, Ginny! Love how you used the collection.

Gina M

Very cute layout Ginny. This is a must have collection for all of us with Boys!

Denise Luscan

Love this, Ginny! Great use of this collection and all the embellishments!

Lisa C.

Such a great boy layout!! I love how you used this collection and can't wait to get it myself!

Robin B.

What a cute grid style layout! I love the variety of colors and embellishments.

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