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April 30, 2013


Julie Tucker-Wolek

Wow wow wow!! This is amazing!!! PINNING it!!

Mel Blackburn

Katie this is beautiful and so original. What a wonderful keepsake!


This is beautiful Katie! <3


So very lovely!! I actually started to make one like that, but never finished it, it´s a pity..

Pam Sohan

Love this idea ! I have some pictures of my Dad's side of the family but not much info about them. This would be perfect.

Jean A Marmo

Just gorgeous!!

amber engelhardt

Love this!!!


This is so beautiful!!I am definitely going to try this.

Lucia Barabas

Awesome idea, it looks beautiful :)


I absolutely love this project! It is beautiful in all its vintage glory!

Jody Spiegelhoff

This is absolutely amazing! I'm completely inspired to ge my little sewing machine out & stitch my heart out. I love tha you cut windows out of the pages & added your lovely layers. Wonderful project!

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