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March 15, 2013


Julie Tucker-Wolek

Looks wonderful!! LOVING all the photos!!!

Lisa C.

Beautiful pages! Love your sleeping pup photo :)

Barb Wagar

Keep up the good work with your weight loss goals! Be determined....you'll make it happen!

Carol (ScrapMomOf2)

Not doing Project Life at this time, but WOW!!! This is fabulous! I love this new collection!!! ♥ Congratulations on the weight loss . . . I need to eat better and exercise more too, that's for sure.


I am so inspired to give this a go!!!

Oooh just got to get me 'The Pier' products... its just sooooo lovely!

Bryan @ CNA Training

Nice art work. Relaxing. Reminds me of those silent woman with a sweet smile.

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