Ok, so we missed out on sharing this with you last Friday because of a technical glitch. And being that January is almost over, this latest January Project Life entry is going up today. It's from our Singapore CP Life Designer, Piradee Talvanna.
Hello 2013! I'm really excited about doing Project Life this year and hopefully, I'll be able to capture all those quirky moments in our everyday life, in addition to keeping track on some resolutions. For example, I'm hoping to keep track of the various restaurants that we visit as some are definitely worth going to again. Then there's also the tracking of resolutions. I seem to be really good at determining what my resolutions are at the beginning of the year and it then pretty much stops there. This time around, I'm planning to revisit some of the resolutions each week to see how I'm doing.
Sharing first my cover page where I opted for a clean and simple look using a transparency for the year and also, one of the accent pattern paper cards from the Fourteen collection; where I typed in a few little extra details.
Then for my weekly sections, I plan to do two spreads (total of four sides) per week (we'll see how this goes throughout the year as I'm not sure I'll always have that much to capture, but for now and with the new year - there's a lot to include).
For Week 1, I started by using the accent pattern paper cards to create the various cards for the spread. Although not all the cards are the right size for the sleeves, it doesn't stop me from still using them. I just love that pie chart design on one of the cards! I started by cutting it to the right size and then I used the remainder to create the title card.
On my second spread for the week, I created a collage of pictures that I took throughout the week, mostly from my iPhone, as I found that this was the easiest way to include lots of pictures without having to use too many sleeves. I also aded a few captions for some of the pictures that I typed out using my typewriter (love that click clank feel). Also, I dedicated one of the cards to summarizing the week, highlighting key events. Lastly, I did a quick overview of where I'm at with my resolutions (determine to lose a few kgs and really control my spending habits this year) LOL.
Also, sharing my first spread for Week 2 - still using the sweet Fourteen collection (I can't get enough of the teal, yellow and red combination) along with the addictive gold vellum paper. For the title card, I used two tags (from the tag patterned paper) whereby I cut out the middle portion of the red tag (as the saying wasn't what I wanted for the layout) and layered it over a plain tag, before adding the extra details to complete the card.
Thank-you everyone for stopping by - hope I've inspired all you Project Life-ers to do a little scrapping today!!
Love love love love your PL pages!!!! GORGEOUS!
Posted by: Julie Tucker-Wolek | January 29, 2013 at 04:35 AM
Posted by: SparklinD | January 29, 2013 at 05:29 AM
Fantastic job and I love the sizes of these! Awesome!
Posted by: Court's Crafts | January 29, 2013 at 09:20 AM
How funny Piradee!! Got the fright of my life seeing myself up here LOL!!! Loved meeting you too & so glad you got to document us!! Scrappy chatting is such fun - aaaaaah - good times :)
Posted by: Helen Tilbury | January 29, 2013 at 09:45 AM
I like the green paper behind Sleigh Ride gold dot vellum - beautiful!
Posted by: Emily Adams | January 29, 2013 at 11:42 AM
this is absolutely gorgeous work!
Posted by: Emma Miya | January 30, 2013 at 08:05 PM