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April 11, 2012



Congrats girls. Your work is gorgeous!

Nicole N.

congrats ladies!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek

How exciting that you are doing that on Pinterest!!! And loveeeeeeeeeeeeee all the projects!! LOVING that lo by Jessy and loveeeeeeeee the cards from Danni!!!

Jessy Christopher

Wow thanks for the feature!! What an honor!! Special shout out to my Nook buddies: Danni & Shellye!

Ruth S

Sounds fun - those spotted designs are great!
Can I ask (sorry if its a dumb question): what are the favourite online galleries that you check out? I never know where to post my makes, other than my own blog and for challenge sites where I enter my projects. I'm mostly a cardmaker so I haven't been brave enough to register at twopeas or Studio Calico and I don't know anywhere else! I <3 CP! Thanks in advance for the tips, Rx

danni reid

what an honor to be featured on the Crate Blog and Pinterest along with these gorgeous creations from the other ladies, thank you so, so much!

Shellye McDaniel

I echo, Danni! What a treat and an honor! Thank you, CP for always providing such beautiful products to work with :)


These are all great projects!


Thank you so much! This made my whole day.
I love all Crate products so much & I can't wait to create with the new stuff <3

Thanks again for the highlight :D

Dulcinea Silva

Oh my! I'm speakless! I'm echo Danni as well! It's a honor to be on the Crate Blog and Pinterest with such amazing and talent ladies!
I think make my week to be spotted for the Crate Paper, I so love your products! Thanks so much!


Congrats to the spotted laddies!!!
I love CP products and what CP girls do around it on this blog.


very beautiful layouts !

Court's Crafts

SUPER great projects!!! NO wonder they got pinned! I pinned them too to my pinboards! Thanks for the inspiration ladies!

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