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August 25, 2011


Julie Tucker-Wolek

These are ALL GORGEOUS!! Just amazing and so inspirational! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Maria Soto

so, so beautiful! congrats on such amazing work

Kim Watson

Wow! every one of these projects is amazing!

Carole Hepburn

such detail - love it !!!


Wow, the detail on these is just gorgeous!


These are all so beautiful!


amazing layouts!!!!

Suzanne Sergi

Wow!! Love each, and every one! Fabulous!!!

Lisa C.

Oh WOW! All so beautiful!


Gorgeous every one of these are amazing!!!!

Tanya W

Love, Love, Love them all! Can't wait til this product hits Australia!

Grace Greenfield

Very pretty, but too busy. Where's the picture? and why do so many people waste space by putting only one pic on a 12x12 page, then hide it with all the embellishments? Isn't the point to show off the photo?

Renee VanEpps

Seriously beautiful work from the DT! Love all the embellishments that show off the beautiful pics!

Anabelle O'Malley

I absolutely LOOOVE these. Can't wait to get my hands on Random. I, for one, love pages that showcase both the gorgeous photos AND the product. :)

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