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July 08, 2011


Julie Tucker-Wolek

Wowwww!! Loving all the new (and returning) DT members! CONGRATS everyone and yayyyyyyyy Tara! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

A Forest Frolic

Yummy stuff ladies...yay!

Jamie :)


Ah, yes, more favorite designers!! LOVE your work ladies!!! Congrats on the team!

Heather V

Welcome ladies! Can't wait to see more of your wonderful work!

Jill Sprott

Congratulations, all!


Congratulations to ALL the Crate Paper DT members... so excited to see what you do in the coming year!


Congrats girls! awesome DT! :)

Anabelle O'Malley

What a wonderful team!!! Looking forward to to see their fabulous creations!

Jill Norwood

Ooohhh I love Crate Paper! Welcome aboard ladies! I can't wait to see what you have in store at summer CHA! Monday's sneak peaks are so anticipated! :)


Great works ladies!

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