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June 01, 2011


Julie Tucker-Wolek

Wowwwwwwwwwwww! These are AMAZING! Love them! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Casey Wright

What a fun project! I love this!



Lori Gentile

So, so adorable, Amy!!! I love them!


These are great!

Sarah Martina

Oh I LOVE these Amy! I love how you used tons of ribbon & trim down at the bottom! AWESOME tutorial! :)


Amy, these are awesome...thanks for the tutorial!

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Very creative work are present here. It is best project. This post is very nicely explain that how we can make it and made easy for little child also.


love this! I'm about to make one for my niece who is going to be a Big Sister in a couple of weeks, she will love it! Thanks for the easy to follow steps!

עדה לזורגן

Beautiful tutorial regarding award ribbons. It's really helpful to me. I like your creative way to explain this.


Thanks for the awesome tutorial! I'm going to make these for my groom & groomsmen to wear instead of boutonnieres.

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