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August 16, 2010



OH so cute!
Bottle cap art is on my list to do...but these mega ones are so fun!
I love the eyelet punched in there too :)

Stephanie J

so adorable!! everytime I see this chipboard I want it more & more!

kimbo in fort worth

Wowza. These are so over the top cute. I've got to try this one. And I heart the Crate Paper Christmas line. Out of all the manus, I've decided this is my fave. TFS


What a great way to use those bottle caps!!! Fabulous project!!


These would be fabulous on a miniature Christmas tree!
Thanks for sharing!


Very cute :)

Kelly Feldman

Fantastic!! I love this idea!!


holy moly, those are big bottle caps! And way cute too, since you've had your paws on them!!


Oh Jen...these are just Fabulous!!! I love the big bottle caps and have to have some RIGHT now!!! Awesome...thanks for sharing this great how to with us!!!

I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

Stacey Hansen

Those are adorable!!!! So creative!


So cute!! Thanks for the awesome tutorial!


so cute & clever :) can't wait to get my hands on this line to create for xmas, TFS!

Janet Ball

Those are simply adorable!!!
Now I need that paper and those bottle caps!!!


thanks ladies can't wait to see yours!!

Rita Barakat

This is so stinking cute Chez!

Lori Gentile

These are just adorable! I totally have to make a bunch for our tree. I agree it would a perfect craft idea for the kiddos, too.

Jennifer D

OMG .... those are so stinking cute! What a great idea!


I loved this. Great idea.


[email protected]

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I found that every time I tried to start jogging a bit – I ended up hobbling around for 2-3 days because my knees and ankle hurt so much, I didn’t want to cripple myself before I adfgot there – so I would just take a chance at blowing everything out at the race and count on being eliminated in the preliminaries!)

Catherine Sanicki

Is there any place that would carry your Christmas line from 2011 "Snow Day". I am working on a December Daily and I just think that line is awesome and would look fantastic with my book. I have searched every store on line that I could think of. I even googled it and came up empty. Please help - if you know anywhere I could get it. I just love all of your collections I have most of them. Thank you so much Catherine Sanicki Happy Holidays!!

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