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July 14, 2010


Erika M

Fabulous new line - can't wait to scrap some wintery goodness!

Kelly in Cincy

absolutely adorable!

Amanda L.

love the bright colors for a winter line!!!

emily (justem)

This is AWESOME.
Times a million.
Love it to bits...especially that it really wouldn't HAVE to be used for Christmas.


I am going to admit right here and now that this is actually my favorite collection of them all! I adore this utterly and completely!

Thanks for all the great collections to work with CP!


Wonderful line - now that we live back where it still snows, I can use some of this!

lori Gentile

I LOVE this collection! It's amazing, too! I am in love with all three collections! The dt samples here are stunning!


Wow, it's amazing that after all the snowmen and trees that have been released, you can do something totally new and wonderful with them. I absolutely will buy this entire line! Love the chipboard, love the patterns, especially the yellow in there!


Love the 3 releases!! I need the school one even though I have no kids- I'll be creative with it and figure something out! And Snow Day is TO DIE FOR! Thanks for making some great stuff!!! Can't wait to see the projects! :D

Jamie Simms

They keep getting better! I LOVE Snow Day!!!


Such a cute collection! Can't wait to make some Christmas projects with it!!!

Erica Hettwer

This is adorable! Love it!


The rich, bright colors and textures are just gorgeous!

Fleur Smith

Another great line - beautiful!


I am a fan of orange/yellow and I am thrilled to see it incorporated in a winter line! Love.the fray, funkiness of it! Great releases cp!


That should read "fresh, funkiness"...hee hee! That's what I get from commenting from my phone!

Eveline van Heijst

What a wonderful winter line.


oh my ... i adore every inch of this collection!!! nice job, crate!!

Rachel Millington


End of story lol!


Definitely my favorite & they've all been great so far!

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